I ♥ Agoo La Union 02/20/2010
In Filipino culture, travelling is always done in groups because you'll save a lot of time and money, but there will always be a time in your life that you wanted to travel alone. I've never been able to travel alone and I'm really curious experiencing it. I really think that a solo travel brings its own set of joys and challenges that will eventually leads to an extra-ordinary experience.
I was lucky because a friend invited me to visit their place in Agoo La Union. It's been a while now since I traveled to a different place and I can't resist the free invite. I will be their guest and with free food and a bed to sleep on, how can I reject such offer? The only problem is that I don't have someone who can go with me. Because my feet were really itching for my next adventure I accepted his offer and filed the necessary vacation leaves I needed.
I already prepared the things that I need for the said travel so after my shift ended, I said my goodbyes to my friends and reminded them that I am going to La Union alone. They were a bit concern of my security because they know that is really dangerous to travel alone. I assured them that I have a friend who will meet me there and told them that I am aware of my own security. I reassured them that I always have a Plan B in case something unusual will happen.
From work, I hired a cab to take me to the Partas Terminal but we got lost because it's really hard to find it along EDSA. Fortunately, when we got there, the next bus ride will leave after an hour so I didn’t have to wait that long. I bought a ticket to a deluxe bus bound for Ilocos that will pass along La Union and my journey to La Union started.
I wasn't able to get a good sleep from the travel because I'm really concern of my belongings being unattended. However, I just came from work and I badly need a rest. After stop worrying about bad things that might happen I was able to get at least 2 hours of sleep, when I woke up, I was already in Urdaneta Pangasinan. While looking at the houses, trees and people that passed by, I realized the joy of solo backpacking trip. I was really thankful to experience such trip.
It's touchdown to Agoo at 2 in the afternoon and my friend is waiting for me in Agoo. I met him and we ate lunch at Jollibee and he toured me around. Agoo is a first class municipality in the province of La Union, Philippines. Its name is usually attributed to "aroo" or "agoho," a pine-like evergreen tree (Casuarina equisetifolia or Whistling Pine) that thrived in the western coast during the pre-Spanish Period.
The first place we visited was the Agoo Churh in the heart of Agoo. Despite the raucous outside, the palpable solace, peace, serenity inside the church become a source of comfort. The labor of love that the patrons poured into the church is a witness to the rich heritage of Agoo.
I noticed that they were celebrating their town fiesta but it was getting dark already and I really need to rest. I said my goodbyes to Agoo and we went to my friend’s house which is located in Sto. Tomas, La Union. This will always be a memorable trip because I met such wonderful people and travelled to a very serene place which what I just needed.